RFS Fighter
No puntuado

Por Nethellus
28/01/2009 - 23:46:35

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.09 (No puntuado)
Tags: fighter, nethellus, rfs, spaceship


The fighter of the Ravene Fleet Systems line is a formidable foe to other ships its size. It is also equipped with a small quantity of ship-to-ship missiles, making it a threat to even the most heavily armored of hulls. (Originally created by Nethellus)


Por kiradakiller

Very creative. i love creators who put a story behind their creations.

Por Karl-EL

I really like this fighter design. Nice work! R+

Por 1of6Billion

Original design! Very nice. R+

Por Virakotxa

Organic TIEs, nice...


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