No puntuado

Por Hydro_Glyph
20/12/2008 - 09:04:33

Tipo: Criatura
Puntuación: 0.49 (No puntuado)
Tags: abomination, allied reticulan civilizations, arc, dna, freak, freaks, genetic, grey, grey-human crossbreed, greys, hydro_glyph, mouthface, perfect grey, set:arc_homunculai, ubd, yes i write this stuff


{ Hybrid-Reticulan } A peculiar trait has surfaced during standard parapsychological research among the Homunculai, various specimens are begining to develop Reticulan telepathic capabilities. Reticulan telepathy is an unexpected biproduct of rigorous cloning procedures used by the Greys to perpetuate their species. Greys use mental telepathy naturally, and have done so for centuries. It is a unique skill used in a variety of ways, most often as covert communication in close quarters...there is one particular mutation that has shown unnatural telekinetic abilities while enraged, a very curious development among the crossbreeds that will undergo rigorous testing in order to effectively harness it's psychokinesis abilities into a formidable weapon. Check Out Dirty's work, This Homuculai pilots the "Prototype": http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=usr-Dirtymeat|2263290126%3Asast-500215213895%3Apg-440


puntos ADN
62 Huesos6 Pies0 Manos
Dieta: Omnívoro
Salud: +0
13 %
69 %
4 / 20
7 / 20
0 / 15
1 / 54 / 50 / 5
0 / 53 / 50 / 5
3 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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Por IcebowPlayz

Did you base this off the Hommoculus???

Por scienceguy

Blob of scareyness! >_l

Por DesertFyre

Wow! It really looks like it's breathing.

Por bellus91

Nice work! Well done!

Por Cowboy_Cleatus

Freaky. It looks like a blob.

Por Auzy-

It's AWESOME! It's like an oversized leech that eats anything! Brilliant :D

Por axell13

Nice one R++

Por zenth69

What is ARC?

Por mickeysam

looks like a tonsil with teeth!

Por Taurisian

looks like a miniture mouthed Yog-sarron from wow lol

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