Comic Strip

Por Bugah
25/11/2008 - 02:27:18

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 2.61 (Bueno)
Tags: cartoon, comic, funny, interactive, joe, phil, story


Suddenly Terry the Alien came up behind Joe and startled him! Joe quickly formed a sword out of the original outline to fend off Terry. Phil saw his chance! He folded the background into a block and threw it at Joe! What should Joe do next? Comment ideas!


Por PrkChoP

lol. What the hell. lol Creative. +rated

Por NextToGone

LOL Luvit!

Por Spooradit

Terry lol. Terry the Alien may have an amusing (to me) name (no offence to any Terrys out there) but Terry looks great.

Por dicsi

Mayby in all the comotion, the comic stip obove them in the newspaper and it fell on Phil and Joe.

Por matantg

Yay terry. I like NCrabs idea of falling into another dimention or something. Phil better be careful dismantling the comic strip lol

Por Bugah

I think I might just do that Breakfall! If anyone else has a crazier idea than Breakfall's please share!

Por NCrabs

Well if Joe does anything with the floor, they won't have any choice then to ride on the alien for help. Or all will fall into another dimension! :P

Por Breakfall87

Joe should slice the background in two! Or better yet throw the alien at the background! Better still, hit the alien with the sword like a bat and send it through the background!


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