No puntuado

Por Waterterrain
09/11/2008 - 18:38:20
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 1.01 (No puntuado)
Tags: charybdis, earth, fun, human, odysseus, ship, space, waterterrain, world
(Greek Mythology) whirlpool that devours ships off the coast of Sicily located across from the cave of Scylla and personified as a female monster
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Por jesidani
very cool creation. thanks for commenting.
Por Tsulea2k
hehe!! Big thumbs up for creativity, bellisimo!
Por TynerMason
Beautifully done!
Por Ezrie
look out below! R+
Por Gryphon57
nice job!
Por Sungolden
Is this a symbol for the dangers lurking when you advance to space?
Por churlbeck
Great choice of subject.
Por juawia
lol again!