Lost at Sea

Por TnT-Productions
14/10/2008 - 03:25:14
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 2.51 (Bueno)
Tags: eskimo, fishing, house, iceberg, igloo, snowman, sporeholidaycontest08, tnt
Drifting somewhere in the Arctic Sea...
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Por schnautzr
Added to sea monsters.
Por puppers
Por lumpyice
O MY GOD!!!! what are they going to do how are they going to get back to civilization lol. I love it and i love the little skillet on the fire great job sincerely lumpyice :):):)
Por AxisofDarkness
nice i love it
Por lumpyice
this is truly a cute original i love it sincerely lumpyice :):):)
Por Shadow0Artist
Hm...what if a polar bear happened to be crawling onto the ice where the eskimo is? lol. Nice! 9/10!
Por JilutheFang
directly reminds me at Clonk Rage^^
Por pimmetjuh667
you may win the MAC
Por primaryartemis
WOW great! I have no dout that you will get a prize with one of your creations! I dont even stand a chance!
Por Thobewill
You are amazing with the building editor!
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