Millenium Falcon
No puntuado
Por pmainpri
11/09/2008 - 00:32:03
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.51 (No puntuado)
Tags: millenium falcon, star, starwars, wars
Millenium Falcon beta 1
Using one photos/videos I have plus ideas i see from other creators to make a Millenium Falcon replica.
Credits: tetsubot, rekool89, Lebriney
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Por Flying Penguin
mouhahahaha I could touch this up very nicely... I'll alert the fire brigade... jk
Por peg8595
Por totalfan123
totally rules
Por Duploman
Yeah that's really good. it's a tiny bit bare though
Por heros2711
the best
Por TuorHuor
Vraiment réussi ! good job !
Por Aremoga
¡Qué guapo! :-o
Por OompaLoompaKIA
this thing is awesome dude its just like it! ther are so many things like this it shows how just freakin awesome star wars is
Por SteakSauceMan
Wow. There's a lot of peeps making StarWars stuff :D
Por Artenon
Try making the corellian bomber from the Legacy of the force series. It looks like the falcon, but is black and has a central cockpit and no dish, so symmetry isn't a problem.
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