No puntuado

Por GreatMighty
09/09/2008 - 00:42:45
Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0.04 (No puntuado)
Tags: awesome, cool, dark, darktowerseries, evil, tall, tedius, tower
The original super-tall dark tower. This was more a test of patience than anything else. Don't believe me? Try to remake that top part. Go ahead, I dare you.
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Por stuberto101
nice tower its very pointy
Por Koroniii
Nice tower, it's the tallest one I've seen yet.
Por Aruspex
I've put this in my "Civic Centers" sporecast! Nicely done!
Por OrzInvasion
Looks good. Buddylisting you.
Por EWiggin125
That's pretty sweet. Kudos.
Por Gryphon57
yes, it is evil looking...I concur! well done.
Por AzruPL
Great design!
Por IceColdKiller
nice tower