Por WeatherMAN2308/09/2008 - 00:01:32
Tipo: Edificio de ocioPuntuación: 1 (No puntuado)
Por Neonivek Very imaginative and I love the fact that you didn't make it a Giant Aquarium
Por PhysicsMaster I'd like to live in an aquarium someday.
Por Serpant-the-Oni WOW! This is amazing! =O Very creative and great job! =D
Por OpDDay2001 Awesome looking. I wish you painted it though. :-p
Por Skizzik Hehe... Cool Fish tank!
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Por Neonivek
Very imaginative and I love the fact that you didn't make it a Giant Aquarium
Por PhysicsMaster
I'd like to live in an aquarium someday.
Por Serpant-the-Oni
WOW! This is amazing! =O Very creative and great job! =D
Por OpDDay2001
Awesome looking. I wish you painted it though. :-p
Por Skizzik
Hehe... Cool Fish tank!