Rise of the dead Prolouge / Análisis

Por Moshpet
21/10/2014 - 04:05:27

Tipo: Aventura de colección
Puntuación: 0.07 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You've beamed down to the Zha'ra Zha'ra Ruins. Legend states that there is a solid gold Llama hidden within the ruins. Secure the statue and make it back to the extraction point in one piece.
Mensaje de fracaso:
Malcroth killed creak by biting her, snaping her in half.
ACTO 1 :   

ACTO 2 :   
Wow..this place gives me the chills...but i have to do this..Wait what month is it..
ACTO 3 :   
Whats happening!?
ACTO 4 :   

ACTO 5 :   
After being striken with terror you try and escape the graveyard.
ACTO 6 :   

ACTO 7 :   

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