Summer Holiday / Análisis

Por yaz416
13/08/2014 - 18:29:23

Tipo: Aventura de defensa
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
On your way to your holiday you were shot down by projectile acid and your ship is going to crash down into the planet's capital city!
Mensaje de victoria:
Once again, you have proven to the galaxy that you are a true galactic hero!!!
Mensaje de fracaso:
The aliens took all by suprise and in the fray you suffered a grave injury. Though you escaped, the aliens are now unstoppable and will rule the galaxy...
ACTO 1 :   
I just wanted a holiday :(
ACTO 2 :   
Just follow the road to this 'Obelisk' and maybe you can get a ship out of here
ACTO 3 :   
These aliens are more fearsome than any you have ever seen! From what you hear, the obelisk is your only chance out of here.
ACTO 4 :   
Protect the obelisk! Make sure to distract any aliens targeting the obelisk. You have 3 minutes!
ACTO 5 :   
Barbeque time!
ACTO 6 :   
For a small ammount of time you have more numbers than the aliens. Find their base and destroy it!
ACTO 7 :   
Kill the eggs!
ACTO 8 :   
Kill the Queen!
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