Grox arena / Análisis

Por SlasherDoggo
22/08/2013 - 15:07:26
Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 0.79 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Desrough the grox arena with a limit of time.
Desrough the grox arena with a limit of time.
Mensaje de victoria:
you win.
you win.
Mensaje de fracaso:
you lose.
you lose.
ACTO 1 : Pick the key up.
Unlock the door to pick the key up.
Unlock the door to pick the key up.
ACTO 2 : Talk to the grox king.
The grox king whants you for sonthing find out.
The grox king whants you for sonthing find out.
ACTO 3 : kill the grox army.
that grox king whants to kill you do somthing
that grox king whants to kill you do somthing
ACTO 4 : talk to the grox king.
the grox king is amazed but not in a happy way go and see what he whants.
the grox king is amazed but not in a happy way go and see what he whants.
ACTO 5 : kill the robot grox.
kill the robot grox.
kill the robot grox.
ACTO 6 : talk to the king.
the king is outraged put a stop to him.
the king is outraged put a stop to him.
ACTO 7 : kill the epic grox.
kill the powerful grox.
kill the powerful grox.
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