Alien consperacy / Análisis

Por tomtom12391
10/01/2013 - 00:11:38
Tipo: Plantilla de aventura
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
you are being bemed down to a scap town that had a space ship apaerence you have beain toled to visit.
you are being bemed down to a scap town that had a space ship apaerence you have beain toled to visit.
Mensaje de victoria:
you got past the alien conspercy that just hapend yestrday
you got past the alien conspercy that just hapend yestrday
Mensaje de fracaso:
you got killed
you got killed
ACTO 1 :
ACTO 2 :
ACTO 3 :
ACTO 4 :
ACTO 5 :
ACTO 6 :
ACTO 7 :
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