Defiance XVIII, Pt 4 / Análisis

Por hazash
29/01/2012 - 13:40:58

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Day Six: Hour 01.Makaran-Monora City-Garkis' Squad-Four days before Protoshield Reactivation-Objective: Contact the Galactic Council.
Mensaje de victoria:
It would seem that the Predators have the upper hand now with four races fighting along side them. Let's hope it stays that way...
Mensaje de fracaso:
Mission Failed.
ACTO 1 :   The Council

ACTO 2 :   Compensation

ACTO 3 :   The Advantage

ACTO 4 :   Gaining The Upper Hand

ACTO 5 :   To Battle!

ACTO 6 :   The Tuandars

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