Paradise Lost / Análisis
Por Spence448
24/01/2012 - 23:25:22
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Welcome Satan, Now the ever famous tale of Paradise Lost can be played (shortly) on the PC, however as a reader i suggest reading the book by john Milton, its great, now enter a tale of Woe.
Welcome Satan, Now the ever famous tale of Paradise Lost can be played (shortly) on the PC, however as a reader i suggest reading the book by john Milton, its great, now enter a tale of Woe.
Mensaje de victoria:
Well you did it, the humans are now self aware and going out to explore, and you pissed God off by screwing his pet up so, revenge and victory is YOURS!Go back to Tartarus and get yourPartyON!
Well you did it, the humans are now self aware and going out to explore, and you pissed God off by screwing his pet up so, revenge and victory is YOURS!Go back to Tartarus and get yourPartyON!
Mensaje de fracaso:
NOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! your evil plan can never come to fruition!
NOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! your evil plan can never come to fruition!
ACTO 1 : Gain Support
For awhile now the thoughts of control and greatness have been infecting your mind, now you will need support for the Coup to be succesful. Get out there and start gathering your forces.
For awhile now the thoughts of control and greatness have been infecting your mind, now you will need support for the Coup to be succesful. Get out there and start gathering your forces.
ACTO 2 : The fight
First take out pretty-boy right handman Gabriel, then claim your "'sentence"' hopfully its the key to heav'ns mysterys and treasures?
First take out pretty-boy right handman Gabriel, then claim your "'sentence"' hopfully its the key to heav'ns mysterys and treasures?
ACTO 3 : The counsel
DAMN! He cheated out of the battle! we would have won! Oh that dosent matter now, but sweet revenge does! hehe he.
DAMN! He cheated out of the battle! we would have won! Oh that dosent matter now, but sweet revenge does! hehe he.
ACTO 4 : The Temptation
Go and twist the humans, make them able to think, but wait, you cant possibly be evil enough to plant the seeds of *GASP* Doubt? Can you?!
Go and twist the humans, make them able to think, but wait, you cant possibly be evil enough to plant the seeds of *GASP* Doubt? Can you?!
ACTO 5 : Your resolve
Well congrats and long live CHOICE!
Well congrats and long live CHOICE!
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