Clark and Stanley get Poofles / Análisis
Por Ultimatealien10
23/09/2011 - 13:49:16
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.22 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Clark and Stanley have gone to adopt a Poofle!
Clark and Stanley have gone to adopt a Poofle!
Mensaje de victoria:
Yay! Maybe we should have abducted the blue guy and saved his life.
Yay! Maybe we should have abducted the blue guy and saved his life.
Mensaje de fracaso:
The Poofles mauled you!
The Poofles mauled you!
ACTO 1 : Talk to Clarky pants.
ACTO 2 : Talk to the owner.
ACTO 3 : Tell them!
ACTO 4 : Teehee.
We saw it coming, except the Dweebles.
We saw it coming, except the Dweebles.
ACTO 5 : EEEEKKK!!!!! RUN!!!!!
RUN FROM THEM!!!Go to the Tech pad when you're done.
RUN FROM THEM!!!Go to the Tech pad when you're done.
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