Crash Landing / Análisis
03/09/2011 - 03:09:54
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You have to save the stranded Irken Invader from this planet.
You have to save the stranded Irken Invader from this planet.
Mensaje de victoria:
Yes! Those filthy creatures are done for.
Yes! Those filthy creatures are done for.
Mensaje de fracaso:
The Moose has killed you.
The Moose has killed you.
ACTO 1 : Another Irken
There seems to be another Irken stranded on this planet.
There seems to be another Irken stranded on this planet.
ACTO 2 : The Moose Tribe
Destroy these Moose.
Destroy these Moose.
ACTO 3 : Megamoose
ACTO 4 : Get to the ship
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