Intoxicated / Análisis

Por spottygecko
15/04/2011 - 14:53:31

Tipo: Aventura de ataque
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
I've finally got here, now it's time to find out why!
Mensaje de victoria:
Those Aratrand won't be coming back to this planet again!
Mensaje de fracaso:
The Aratrand have managed to claim another Daraktian planet! How many more will they take?
ACTO 1 :   Emergency call
You have been called out by the kig of this planet ! But what for?
ACTO 2 :   To the battle field!
Use the big bridge to get to the ship which will take you to the battle field.
ACTO 3 :   Mission Brief
I need to find and talk to the commander. He'll tell me what to do!
ACTO 4 :   Let the Battle Comence
Look at all these pods, I'm gonna have my work cut out!
ACTO 5 :   It's over.........
Yes........Thank spode we took down the pods in time. Wait...... Why is the air still being poisened??????
ACTO 6 :   Oh for the love of Spode.......
It seems this fight isn't over yet............ I better stop those Aratrand troops from getting past that gate while Back up try and get here!
ACTO 7 :   Finally!
phew that took a while, now it's time to smash some Aratrand!!!!!!
ACTO 8 :   Success!
Victory is ours now I better head back to the city and then head of!
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