Intoxicated / Análisis

Por spottygecko
15/04/2011 - 14:53:31
Tipo: Aventura de ataque
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
I've finally got here, now it's time to find out why!
I've finally got here, now it's time to find out why!
Mensaje de victoria:
Those Aratrand won't be coming back to this planet again!
Those Aratrand won't be coming back to this planet again!
Mensaje de fracaso:
The Aratrand have managed to claim another Daraktian planet! How many more will they take?
The Aratrand have managed to claim another Daraktian planet! How many more will they take?
ACTO 1 : Emergency call
You have been called out by the kig of this planet ! But what for?
You have been called out by the kig of this planet ! But what for?
ACTO 2 : To the battle field!
Use the big bridge to get to the ship which will take you to the battle field.
Use the big bridge to get to the ship which will take you to the battle field.
ACTO 3 : Mission Brief
I need to find and talk to the commander. He'll tell me what to do!
I need to find and talk to the commander. He'll tell me what to do!
ACTO 4 : Let the Battle Comence
Look at all these pods, I'm gonna have my work cut out!
Look at all these pods, I'm gonna have my work cut out!
ACTO 5 : It's over.........
Yes........Thank spode we took down the pods in time. Wait...... Why is the air still being poisened??????
Yes........Thank spode we took down the pods in time. Wait...... Why is the air still being poisened??????
ACTO 6 : Oh for the love of Spode.......
It seems this fight isn't over yet............ I better stop those Aratrand troops from getting past that gate while Back up try and get here!
It seems this fight isn't over yet............ I better stop those Aratrand troops from getting past that gate while Back up try and get here!
ACTO 7 : Finally!
phew that took a while, now it's time to smash some Aratrand!!!!!!
phew that took a while, now it's time to smash some Aratrand!!!!!!
ACTO 8 : Success!
Victory is ours now I better head back to the city and then head of!
Victory is ours now I better head back to the city and then head of!
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