terrible sandbox 2 / Análisis
Por natsku922
23/02/2011 - 20:11:47
Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 0.52 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Helow! ^3^ The cute war is ower! Now we have to clean this plase! >"'.<>"'
Helow! ^3^ The cute war is ower! Now we have to clean this plase! >"'.<>"'
Mensaje de victoria:
Yay! See ya in the next part! ^.^
Yay! See ya in the next part! ^.^
Mensaje de fracaso:
What!? But how!? O.M.G o.0
What!? But how!? O.M.G o.0
ACTO 1 : Talk to Cutemaster.
Talk to cutemaster.
Talk to cutemaster.
ACTO 2 : Let`s clean!
You must clean this plase :/ gross! xp
You must clean this plase :/ gross! xp
ACTO 3 : Talk to Cutemaster.
Yay! Theres clean! Now go talk to Cutemaster!
Yay! Theres clean! Now go talk to Cutemaster!
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