The Earthquake - Part 2 / Análisis

Por cooldudebw
26/09/2010 - 22:13:12
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.06 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Help Mayor Vectoramus with anything he needs.
Help Mayor Vectoramus with anything he needs.
Mensaje de victoria:
So in the end, Casey became Steven's fiance. A massive funeral service in memory of all the poor Vectans who died in the earthquake was held, and Vectas Memorial Day became a new annual event.
So in the end, Casey became Steven's fiance. A massive funeral service in memory of all the poor Vectans who died in the earthquake was held, and Vectas Memorial Day became a new annual event.
ACTO 1 : Vectas.
ACTO 2 : The Noise.
ACTO 3 : The Survivors.
Talk with the survivors to make sure they're okay.
Talk with the survivors to make sure they're okay.
ACTO 4 : Favors.
As you are about to turn to report about the survivors to Mayor Vectoramus, One of the teenagers of the surviving family waves for you to come to him.
As you are about to turn to report about the survivors to Mayor Vectoramus, One of the teenagers of the surviving family waves for you to come to him.
ACTO 5 : Casey.
You see a young Vectan girl surrounded by two dead Vectans.
You see a young Vectan girl surrounded by two dead Vectans.
ACTO 6 : Journey to Safety
Tell Mayor Vectoramus that you're heading for New Oglesia.
Tell Mayor Vectoramus that you're heading for New Oglesia.
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