Boils Minigame Agency Ep 1 / Análisis

Por Dablooey
06/09/2010 - 21:33:12
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Welcome to Boils Minigame Agency. If you wish to apply for a job enter through the front doors and speak with Vice President Imthe.
Welcome to Boils Minigame Agency. If you wish to apply for a job enter through the front doors and speak with Vice President Imthe.
Mensaje de victoria:
Congratulations, you've been Hired! The MiniGame you helped put together will be available soon!
Congratulations, you've been Hired! The MiniGame you helped put together will be available soon!
Mensaje de fracaso:
You've let BMGA down... :(
You've let BMGA down... :(
ACTO 1 : Welcome to Boils Minigame Agency
BMGA provides a service like no other! They send their employees to distant places to collect items that they then use to...CREATE MINIGAMES! See about being hired.
BMGA provides a service like no other! They send their employees to distant places to collect items that they then use to...CREATE MINIGAMES! See about being hired.
ACTO 2 : Take the Teleporters
ACTO 3 : Kill the Explosive Rats
There is a species of rat in the forest that explodes upon death. After killing each one, pick up their hearts that contain highly explosive materials.
There is a species of rat in the forest that explodes upon death. After killing each one, pick up their hearts that contain highly explosive materials.
ACTO 4 : Collect some Plasma Shrooms
Take the teleporter to the second part of your assignment. You are to collect Shrooms that contain plasma, which are green in color. But be careful not to touch the orange exploding shrooms.
Take the teleporter to the second part of your assignment. You are to collect Shrooms that contain plasma, which are green in color. But be careful not to touch the orange exploding shrooms.
ACTO 5 : The Mines
Now for your third and final task. Take the teleporter to the underground mines to gather some rare ores. Beware, the mines are very dangerous and extremely cold.
Now for your third and final task. Take the teleporter to the underground mines to gather some rare ores. Beware, the mines are very dangerous and extremely cold.
ACTO 6 : Well done!
Now it's time to return to BMGA! Take the teleporter that has appeared near you and talk to President Boils!
Now it's time to return to BMGA! Take the teleporter that has appeared near you and talk to President Boils!
ACTO 7 : I wonder...
I wonder why President Boils wanted you to step onto the teleporter...?
I wonder why President Boils wanted you to step onto the teleporter...?
Well Done!
Well Done!
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