The Earthquake - Part 1 / Análisis

Por cooldudebw
04/09/2010 - 18:47:03
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
It has been 20 years since the events of the flood. You, the savior of the city, have decided to settle in New Oglesia! Welcome to your new home!
It has been 20 years since the events of the flood. You, the savior of the city, have decided to settle in New Oglesia! Welcome to your new home!
Mensaje de victoria:
That's tough...what ARE you going to do?
That's tough...what ARE you going to do?
ACTO 1 : Welcome to Your New Home!
Talk to Mayor Werston!
Talk to Mayor Werston!
ACTO 2 : The Rumble
What's that sound?
What's that sound?
ACTO 3 : What On Earth?
What was THAT!?
What was THAT!?
ACTO 4 : Static.
Attempt to call the Mayor of Vectas.
Attempt to call the Mayor of Vectas.
ACTO 5 : Seyden.
Tell Seyden you need his assistance.
Tell Seyden you need his assistance.
ACTO 6 : The Journey.
Walk to Vectas. This could bad.
Walk to Vectas. This could bad.
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