Water-bending / Análisis

Por willy61
27/08/2010 - 20:43:38

Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0.11 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
After weeks of travel, you've finally arrived at the north-pole. You know your new water-bending master lives here, but there's no sign of him. But then you suddently finds something...
Mensaje de victoria:
Congratulations on getting the scroll, but there might be some proplems ahead, but i think you can handle it.
Mensaje de fracaso:
So your mind couldn't learn water-bending finally. Poor you.
ACTO 1 :   Where am i?
No hint active...
ACTO 2 :   Let's get started
Take the portal at the south-western part of the island.Then speak with Paetoeng and defeat his challenge.And then speak with him again inside the cavern.
ACTO 3 :   Leaning Water-bending
First beat Paetoeng's riddles.Then speak with him at the top of the ice-stairs.And then read all the signs and do as they say.And at last speak with him, after the bending-excecises.
ACTO 4 :   Wtf?
Master paetoeng has begun to attack you.Take his bending's power and throw it against Paetoeng.
ACTO 5 :   The scroll.
Speak with Paetoeng and take the water-bending scroll.
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