Help me / Análisis
Por chickenfingers5
20/07/2010 - 01:56:29
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: -3 (Malo)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
I have lost my creativity, I cant get subscribers for crap, all i have close to a gaming computer is this imac, I suck at making cool stuff on spore... Help me. comment or do anything...
I have lost my creativity, I cant get subscribers for crap, all i have close to a gaming computer is this imac, I suck at making cool stuff on spore... Help me. comment or do anything...
Mensaje de victoria:
just think of something..... I cant.
just think of something..... I cant.
Mensaje de fracaso:
Just THINK of something... I cant
Just THINK of something... I cant
ACTO 1 : I phail. help me
Comment or something, my creativity is gone...
Comment or something, my creativity is gone...
ACTO 2 : Wow I diddnt know...
that this would be a longer adventure...
that this would be a longer adventure...
Yeah i got a tummy ache.
Yeah i got a tummy ache.
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