Death Returns Part 2-The Hive / Análisis
Por ZillaVenom
01/07/2010 - 00:50:11
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You wake up in an odd metal room on a mystery ship.
You wake up in an odd metal room on a mystery ship.
Mensaje de victoria:
Is Abdomino right? Will it be just as easy as before? Stay tuned to find out.
Is Abdomino right? Will it be just as easy as before? Stay tuned to find out.
Mensaje de fracaso:
You died at part 2?! That's weak.
You died at part 2?! That's weak.
ACTO 1 : Strange...
You wake up and are in a strange cell on a strange ship surrounded by strange walls with a strange design that is strange.
You wake up and are in a strange cell on a strange ship surrounded by strange walls with a strange design that is strange.
ACTO 2 : Pilot???
You broke out! Now go see who the pilot of this mystery ship is!
You broke out! Now go see who the pilot of this mystery ship is!
ACTO 3 : Run for it!
It's gonna blow! Run for the green and black tunnel!
It's gonna blow! Run for the green and black tunnel!
ACTO 4 : Late
Are you...too late?
Are you...too late?
ACTO 5 : Resurrected
The hive queen and her army is back. Not to mention a new virus.
The hive queen and her army is back. Not to mention a new virus.
ACTO 6 : War!!!
War! Maybe you can end this before it gets to be an even bigger problem.
War! Maybe you can end this before it gets to be an even bigger problem.
ACTO 7 : What the?
These guys are strange...on a strange planet, with a strange color, and...other strange stuff...
These guys are strange...on a strange planet, with a strange color, and...other strange stuff...
ACTO 8 : Simple or not?
What should you do? Check with the others and find out.
What should you do? Check with the others and find out.
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