Pool party! / Análisis

Por Aldrea
29/06/2010 - 23:10:10

Tipo: Aventura de socialización
Puntuación: 0.06 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
It's the hottest day of summer, and everyone is going to a huge pool party! Now that you've parked your spacecraft, You can jump in!
Mensaje de victoria:
What a great party! Now you have a nice trophy to take home!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Why did you have to spoil all the fun? Come back when you are in a better mood!
ACTO 1 :   
Welcome to the party! Why don't you take a dip in the water and mingle a little bit?
ACTO 2 :   
All that swimming has made you hungry. Go order something at the snack bar!
ACTO 3 :   
Now, didn't that woman tell you there was a swimming competition? Why don't you enter?
ACTO 4 :   
Get to your places!
ACTO 5 :   
Ready, set, GO!! Race to the finish!
ACTO 6 :   
The winner will be announced shortly. Go jump off the diving board while you're waiting.
ACTO 7 :   
The winner is going to be announced! Go see who it is.
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