Drexxer war - Defence force / Análisis

Por Maposaurus
07/06/2010 - 14:52:32
Tipo: Aventura de defensa
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Protect the kaktoid from the Drexxer!
Protect the kaktoid from the Drexxer!
Mensaje de victoria:
You did it! the Drexxer are dead and you protected the kaktoid good!
You did it! the Drexxer are dead and you protected the kaktoid good!
Mensaje de fracaso:
You loose!
You loose!
ACTO 1 : Talk to the Kaktoid
Talk to the Kaktoid.
Talk to the Kaktoid.
ACTO 2 : The Drexxer are coming!
The Drexxer are coming! Protect the kaktoid from them! And dont die!
The Drexxer are coming! Protect the kaktoid from them! And dont die!
ACTO 3 : Protect the Kaktoid!
protect the Kaktoid from the Drexxers attack!
protect the Kaktoid from the Drexxers attack!
ACTO 4 : The Drexxer are coming!
Wait for the Drexxer.
Wait for the Drexxer.
ACTO 5 : Protect the Kaktoid!
Protect the Kaktoid from the Drexxer fast! And don't die!
Protect the Kaktoid from the Drexxer fast! And don't die!
ACTO 6 : Talk and go
Talk to the kaktoid and go to the rescue ship that the Kaktoid was sending.
Talk to the kaktoid and go to the rescue ship that the Kaktoid was sending.
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