Double Date / Análisis

Por Scrawffler
21/05/2010 - 20:19:50
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
So Carny and Herby have plans tonight, you hear? Better go say hi to them, they're probably gonna need your help after all.
So Carny and Herby have plans tonight, you hear? Better go say hi to them, they're probably gonna need your help after all.
Mensaje de victoria:
Your work here is done. Now you're off to party at Dulce's mansion, because you're just that awesome.
Your work here is done. Now you're off to party at Dulce's mansion, because you're just that awesome.
Mensaje de fracaso:
Another day, another fail. They found out. No reward for you.
Another day, another fail. They found out. No reward for you.
ACTO 1 : Welcome to the Failhouse!
Carny and Herby are getting ready for their big night! You should go and wish them luck.
Carny and Herby are getting ready for their big night! You should go and wish them luck.
ACTO 2 : The Feast
Carny's fetching some meaty snacks for Dulce, but Herby is on his way. ATTACK CARNY!!
Carny's fetching some meaty snacks for Dulce, but Herby is on his way. ATTACK CARNY!!
ACTO 3 : The Feast
Carny will have to rearrange his plans. But now Herby is bringing fruity beverages to Dulce! ATTACK HERBY!!
Carny will have to rearrange his plans. But now Herby is bringing fruity beverages to Dulce! ATTACK HERBY!!
ACTO 4 : Par-tay!
Carny has decided to take Dulce clubbing. But he might see Herby walk past. Maybe the Donces can help.
Carny has decided to take Dulce clubbing. But he might see Herby walk past. Maybe the Donces can help.
ACTO 5 : Having a Ball
Carny willingly drinks the amnesia juice and it works like a charm! But now you've got another problem.
Carny willingly drinks the amnesia juice and it works like a charm! But now you've got another problem.
ACTO 6 : Pwned
Herby's knocked out cold! Also, bad news... Carny's on his way over!
Herby's knocked out cold! Also, bad news... Carny's on his way over!
ACTO 7 : Busted!
Hogeeze. Carny and Herby have seen each other. Game over, man.
Hogeeze. Carny and Herby have seen each other. Game over, man.
ACTO 8 : Sweet...
They don't remember a thing. You and Dulce are off the hook!
They don't remember a thing. You and Dulce are off the hook!
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