Temple of the Gods II / Análisis
Por Metroid-kyle
26/03/2010 - 00:42:39
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Hint: if you dont have warrior weapons, there is a .00001% chance of survival.
Hint: if you dont have warrior weapons, there is a .00001% chance of survival.
Mensaje de victoria:
Second Key secured! You are halfway from revealing the secret of the Temple!
Second Key secured! You are halfway from revealing the secret of the Temple!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Now the secret of the Temple will never be revealed...
Now the secret of the Temple will never be revealed...
ACTO 1 : The Second Key
First key found, now for the second one.
First key found, now for the second one.
ACTO 2 : Hautos
Explore Hautos to find the second key.
Explore Hautos to find the second key.
ACTO 3 : The Temple
This Fire Temple is inactive... There has to be some way to activate it...
This Fire Temple is inactive... There has to be some way to activate it...
ACTO 4 : Activate the Temple
Find some way to activate th Temple of Fire.
Find some way to activate th Temple of Fire.
ACTO 5 : Fire Guardian
This guardian is invulnerable to most weapons! Maybe there is something nearby i can use...
This guardian is invulnerable to most weapons! Maybe there is something nearby i can use...
ACTO 6 : Fire Guardian
Use the cannons to kill the Fire Guardian!
Use the cannons to kill the Fire Guardian!
ACTO 7 : Key Found
Return the Fire Key to the statue.
Return the Fire Key to the statue.
ACTO 8 : Second Key Secured
The Fire Key has been united!
The Fire Key has been united!
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