Guild arena / Análisis
Por asasin225
17/03/2010 - 22:27:34
Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0.94 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Survive the Trials of Combat and prove your skill as a great gladiator.
Survive the Trials of Combat and prove your skill as a great gladiator.
Mensaje de victoria:
Well done, gladiator! You have faced the Trials of Combat and have won the day!
Well done, gladiator! You have faced the Trials of Combat and have won the day!
Mensaje de fracaso:
You have been bested in the Trials of Combat. The crowd calls out for the next champion to enter the Arena!
You have been bested in the Trials of Combat. The crowd calls out for the next champion to enter the Arena!
ACTO 1 :
talk to the guild leaders.
talk to the guild leaders.
ACTO 2 :
go and fight and exit when you are done. there will be others released.
go and fight and exit when you are done. there will be others released.
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