San`lyr, the san`lyn homeworld / Análisis
Por loserscryer
14/01/2010 - 17:27:54
Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 0.03 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Welcome, San`lyr is being ermmmm "'redecorated"' please come again-Wolsh, leader of A.S.M.B.F has asked for help.
Welcome, San`lyr is being ermmmm "'redecorated"' please come again-Wolsh, leader of A.S.M.B.F has asked for help.
Mensaje de victoria:
Zapponia is victorious! Hail captain , hero of zapponia!
Zapponia is victorious! Hail captain , hero of zapponia!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Man, you`re such a plonker....
Man, you`re such a plonker....
ACTO 1 :
The Comissionar, Taldram, lurks near the cire building, planning order 57, Stop him!
The Comissionar, Taldram, lurks near the cire building, planning order 57, Stop him!
ACTO 2 :
Keleseth, chief Mechanik of San`lyr, your next target. Capture his unban drive too!!
Keleseth, chief Mechanik of San`lyr, your next target. Capture his unban drive too!!
ACTO 3 :
The san`lyn are leaving, CommaNder walsh has ordered you to finish them. Kill the leader, The HIGH COMISSIONAR AWAITS YOU.......
The san`lyn are leaving, CommaNder walsh has ordered you to finish them. Kill the leader, The HIGH COMISSIONAR AWAITS YOU.......
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