Escape from the Planet X / Análisis
Por fox1014
26/11/2009 - 11:23:03
Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: -2.14 (Malo)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
As you step on the planet it feels like a time bomb
As you step on the planet it feels like a time bomb
Mensaje de victoria:
Good job the last mission of this saga is 'the end of the secret'
Good job the last mission of this saga is 'the end of the secret'
Mensaje de fracaso:
Ya lost
Ya lost
ACTO 1 : OZZY!!!!!
Find ozzie
Find ozzie
ACTO 2 :
Get off the planet
Get off the planet
ACTO 3 : Spys
More spys?! And a spy sergeant?
More spys?! And a spy sergeant?
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