Help the Evolution / Análisis

Por JilutheFang
12/10/2009 - 12:54:58
Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0.14 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Actually you have beamed down to search for intelligent life. Well, you found some! Here you are, in the oceans of a new world full with cells!
Actually you have beamed down to search for intelligent life. Well, you found some! Here you are, in the oceans of a new world full with cells!
Mensaje de victoria:
The Zelfikumi will become a tribe very soon, and that only with your help!
The Zelfikumi will become a tribe very soon, and that only with your help!
Mensaje de fracaso:
So you are not that good as genesis...
So you are not that good as genesis...
ACTO 1 : Cells!
Now, isn't that cute? Life in its very first form!
Now, isn't that cute? Life in its very first form!
ACTO 2 : evolution from rocks!
The little cell has to evolute...It follows that green stuff...
The little cell has to evolute...It follows that green stuff...
ACTO 3 : Voelá!
Hey! Look at his new form!
Hey! Look at his new form!
ACTO 4 : Oh, yeah that stuff...
Whoops, I've forgotten something!
Whoops, I've forgotten something!
ACTO 5 : Soo...
Now let's see, if I can get him some bones...
Now let's see, if I can get him some bones...
ACTO 6 : Yeah!
Its getting better and better!
Its getting better and better!
ACTO 7 : Problems!
Good that we came here!
Good that we came here!
ACTO 8 : Wahoo!
Hey look! They made a nest, and now...
Hey look! They made a nest, and now...
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