Forest In Danger / Análisis

Por Hawkeye322
19/09/2009 - 07:28:14
Tipo: Aventura de ataque
Puntuación: 0.01 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
WOW! This planet is beatiful. I am not here look to how beatiful this place is... I´m here for save this planet!!!
WOW! This planet is beatiful. I am not here look to how beatiful this place is... I´m here for save this planet!!!
Mensaje de victoria:
That was right to you! I save this planet and Forest Spirit and Workers are in debt for my...
That was right to you! I save this planet and Forest Spirit and Workers are in debt for my...
Mensaje de fracaso:
NO!!!!! This can´t happen now... I must save this planet...
NO!!!!! This can´t happen now... I must save this planet...
ACTO 1 : Restore Nature´s Balance...
I must go talk with Forest Spirit... She is somewhere in forest...
I must go talk with Forest Spirit... She is somewhere in forest...
ACTO 2 : Meeting With Boss
Alright boss prepare to... ME!
Alright boss prepare to... ME!
ACTO 3 : So You Are Hard Boy!
NO! I go tell this to Forest Spirit and then, I... crush your face!
NO! I go tell this to Forest Spirit and then, I... crush your face!
ACTO 4 : That Was Right To You!
Yeah! I destroy your tractors! And now, I get your workers to my side!
Yeah! I destroy your tractors! And now, I get your workers to my side!
Now is your time to die Boss!
Now is your time to die Boss!
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