Clark and Stanley Go Hiking / Análisis

Por Furby98
12/09/2009 - 15:00:58

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.03 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Your sensors indicate that Clark and Stanley are requesting your assistance. Find out what they're up to now.
Mensaje de victoria:
You're happy-dancing right after two guys were crushed by giant tumbling boulders? What kind of sadistic jerk are you?!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Another great reason to stay away from Clark and Stanley!
ACTO 1 :   Find Clark and Stanley
Find Clark and Stanley and find out what they're up to now. Also, it might be best to keep a good distance away from them!
ACTO 2 :   Avalanche!
Looks like Clark and Stanley are right in the line of a bunch of huge tumbling boulders. Watch out!
ACTO 3 :   Oh Dear
Poor Clark and Stanley. Well, good thing it wasn't you!
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