Captain's Highschool Ep3 / Análisis

Por Platipenguin
30/08/2009 - 15:07:15
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.11 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Please ignore the lack of a ceiling, the school has been experiencing immense budget cuts. And please do the objectives in order, it's the only normalicy we can count on here.
Please ignore the lack of a ceiling, the school has been experiencing immense budget cuts. And please do the objectives in order, it's the only normalicy we can count on here.
Mensaje de victoria:
Everything you're done so far in school has been leading up to this point. The final, climactic battle with you're archrival. Tune in for the exciting conclusion, next time in Captain High!
Everything you're done so far in school has been leading up to this point. The final, climactic battle with you're archrival. Tune in for the exciting conclusion, next time in Captain High!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Looks like you're just not cut out for highschool. Maybe the McDonalds down the street will hire you.
Looks like you're just not cut out for highschool. Maybe the McDonalds down the street will hire you.
ACTO 1 : Sprenglish
You're guess is as good as mine pal
You're guess is as good as mine pal
ACTO 2 : Assignment
This one's a doozy! Good luck!
This one's a doozy! Good luck!
ACTO 3 : Checkin' in
You should go to the office and make sure Jeremy's okay.
You should go to the office and make sure Jeremy's okay.
ACTO 4 : Barry's a moron
Well, Barry is probably the dumbest idiot ever for telling you where he hid Jeremy. In most cases this would be a trap, but Barry just isn't that smart.
Well, Barry is probably the dumbest idiot ever for telling you where he hid Jeremy. In most cases this would be a trap, but Barry just isn't that smart.
ACTO 5 : Sabotage
The jocks are up ahead guarding Jeremy. You'll never be able to take all of them down alone, maybe something on that other platform can help you.
The jocks are up ahead guarding Jeremy. You'll never be able to take all of them down alone, maybe something on that other platform can help you.
ACTO 6 : Sleep tight!
Yes! It worked! The Jocks are out cold and now you can get Jeremy out of there!
Yes! It worked! The Jocks are out cold and now you can get Jeremy out of there!
ACTO 7 : Time to go topside
Jeremy will meet you back in the main school building.
Jeremy will meet you back in the main school building.
ACTO 8 : The semi-conclusive part
And now all is well with the world!
And now all is well with the world!
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