Charlie the Unicorn 1 / Análisis
Por Pyjamaman
30/08/2009 - 09:29:20
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 0.21 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Charlie's first adventure to Candy Mountain
Charlie's first adventure to Candy Mountain
Mensaje de victoria:
What, WHAT! Oh look at that. They stole my frekin kidney!
What, WHAT! Oh look at that. They stole my frekin kidney!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Wow. You somehow managed to phail the worlds easiest adventure
Wow. You somehow managed to phail the worlds easiest adventure
ACTO 1 : Oh no. It's them again
I wonder what those dim whits are up to now?
I wonder what those dim whits are up to now?
ACTO 2 : Talk to the Leoplurodon
Our first stop is over there Charlie. I'ts the Leoplurodon, a magical leoplurodon. I'ts gunna guide us to Candy Mountain
Our first stop is over there Charlie. I'ts the Leoplurodon, a magical leoplurodon. I'ts gunna guide us to Candy Mountain
ACTO 3 : Cross the bridge
He's Spoken! He's showed us the way
He's Spoken! He's showed us the way
ACTO 4 : Candy Mountain
We're here! What do you know, there actualy is a candy mountain. Candy Mountain, Candy Mountain! Fill me with sweet sugary goodness.
We're here! What do you know, there actualy is a candy mountain. Candy Mountain, Candy Mountain! Fill me with sweet sugary goodness.
ACTO 5 : Candy Mountain song
one of those annoying songs in every episode
one of those annoying songs in every episode
ACTO 6 : Enter the Candy Mountain Cave
Fine! I'll go into the frekin' cave already! This better be worth it.
Fine! I'll go into the frekin' cave already! This better be worth it.
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