Clark n' Stanley Do Some Cookin' / Análisis

Por EStraight
20/08/2009 - 00:01:39

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.2 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Your sencors are indicating that Ckark and Stanley need your assistanse again. Go see what they are up to this time.
Mensaje de victoria:
Oh Great, 2 buffons sent into orbit! O.O (I'm confused how the bomb didn't detonate in the oven. Oh well. O.O)
Mensaje de fracaso:
Wow... You really belived that? O.O
ACTO 1 :   A Great Pastery!
It looks like Clark and Stanley have baked a cake for something special, Who for and for What?
ACTO 2 :   It's my Birthday?
It..It's for me? It's not my birthday at all, at least I don't think so, and that looks more like a wedding cake than a birthday cake to me!
ACTO 3 :   uhhhhhhhhh...
Is THAT what they ment by taste test? Now what are we going to do?
ACTO 4 :   Nitro-What?
That does'nt sound very appitizing. Oh well, Just do what they said.
ACTO 5 :   Wait...
1,2, and.........
Lets eat! But whats that black thing in the center of the pie?
ACTO 7 :   Smoking?!
Uh oh! Better run!
ACTO 8 :   Oh No!
Poor Clark and Stanley!
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