the lizard planet / Análisis

Por flaren95
24/07/2009 - 00:47:15

Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
you beamed down now lets start the searching
Mensaje de victoria:
you went home with the artifact and told your friends the awsome story
Mensaje de fracaso:
wel thats to bad but its a good thing you can try again
ACTO 1 :   the burning start
you beam down to the planet to start search for the mystical artifact the peapole at the main central warned you about a mystical monster bah
ACTO 2 :   uh-oh lizards
attack the lizards they are protecting the artifact so you must get rid of some of them
ACTO 3 :   the king
you must deafeat the king hes protecting the treasure but hear what he has to say first
ACTO 4 :   the artifact
get the artifact and get away
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