Star Wars Revenge Of The Clones / Análisis

Por nealzab
19/07/2009 - 20:08:53
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 0.01 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Master Yoda needs help defending the city. Take all the clones u need commander and destroy those walkers and storm troopers!.
Master Yoda needs help defending the city. Take all the clones u need commander and destroy those walkers and storm troopers!.
Mensaje de victoria:
Victory For The Clones!
Victory For The Clones!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Commander Rex Has Fallen!!
Commander Rex Has Fallen!!
ACTO 1 : Act 1 Battle Has Begun
Don't worry the walkers are damaged from the LAAT's destroy them quickly we must.
Don't worry the walkers are damaged from the LAAT's destroy them quickly we must.
ACTO 2 : Act 2 Seige of The City
The Storm Troopers are moving in towards the city. Destroy them before they whipe it out! Then talk to the chairman in the city behind are forces!.
The Storm Troopers are moving in towards the city. Destroy them before they whipe it out! Then talk to the chairman in the city behind are forces!.
ACTO 3 : Act 3 Heading Up
Great job commander now come back up the hill top
Great job commander now come back up the hill top
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