BW - The Fall of Tahrissian(V2) / Análisis

Por DaniAngione
18/07/2009 - 05:49:56
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.19 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Radio : "'Cal..ng...EM...NGY...this is not a drill!! Our Paladin brothers need our blood! All in the galaxy that have a mind know that the Trarrask are a menace! The World Destroyers ARE HERE!"'
Radio : "'Cal..ng...EM...NGY...this is not a drill!! Our Paladin brothers need our blood! All in the galaxy that have a mind know that the Trarrask are a menace! The World Destroyers ARE HERE!"'
Mensaje de victoria:
After 6 days of battle, Tahrissian's Army was defeated, But the Trarrask will be back. Com. Zacharan had his name carved on a monument along with thousands of his Brothers also killed there.
After 6 days of battle, Tahrissian's Army was defeated, But the Trarrask will be back. Com. Zacharan had his name carved on a monument along with thousands of his Brothers also killed there.
Mensaje de fracaso:
You failed. Justice and Light won't be yours anymore and the Children of the Leaf are all dead. TYVM for playing and keep trying! You have infinite clones anyway...
You failed. Justice and Light won't be yours anymore and the Children of the Leaf are all dead. TYVM for playing and keep trying! You have infinite clones anyway...
ACTO 1 : Hope
You have arrived in the middle of war! The world destroyers are here! Help the Paladins beat the galaxy worst enemies! Talk to the Elder and good luck.
You have arrived in the middle of war! The world destroyers are here! Help the Paladins beat the galaxy worst enemies! Talk to the Elder and good luck.
ACTO 2 : Courage
Speak to Commander Paladin Zacharan about your mission and follow his first orders.
Speak to Commander Paladin Zacharan about your mission and follow his first orders.
ACTO 3 : Retribution
"'Captain! This is Zacharan! We are taking heavy artillery shots! Take out the outposts near the main camp and wait for further instructions! For Justice!"'
"'Captain! This is Zacharan! We are taking heavy artillery shots! Take out the outposts near the main camp and wait for further instructions! For Justice!"'
ACTO 4 : Sacrifice
"'CAPTAIN!! In the name of Justice! We're picking a HUGE signal coming from your location! It's coming from under the ground! Captain, you mustn't allow this thing to get here or we're doomed!"'
"'CAPTAIN!! In the name of Justice! We're picking a HUGE signal coming from your location! It's coming from under the ground! Captain, you mustn't allow this thing to get here or we're doomed!"'
ACTO 5 : Vengeance
"'Captain! We won't be able to hold much longer but at least you bought some time killing that... Thing. We need to talk, find a body and use it's radio to reach me! GO GO GO!"'
"'Captain! We won't be able to hold much longer but at least you bought some time killing that... Thing. We need to talk, find a body and use it's radio to reach me! GO GO GO!"'
ACTO 6 : Judgement
You are inside the Bloodking, home of the First Trarrask Emperor. Take it's shields down so the JUDGE can serve JUSTICE!
You are inside the Bloodking, home of the First Trarrask Emperor. Take it's shields down so the JUDGE can serve JUSTICE!
ACTO 7 : Madness
This is madness! NO! This is a great escape! RUN!
This is madness! NO! This is a great escape! RUN!
ACTO 8 : Redemption
The Bloodking is gone... The Trarrask army is in ruins... As our friends' army. The Day is ours but at the cost of many Brothers and Children.Say goodbye and leave this place.
The Bloodking is gone... The Trarrask army is in ruins... As our friends' army. The Day is ours but at the cost of many Brothers and Children.Say goodbye and leave this place.
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