Meteor City / Análisis

Por Kraznoo82
17/07/2009 - 20:10:02
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 0.39 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
The famously corrupt leader of the Zxazz people has called for your assistance.
The famously corrupt leader of the Zxazz people has called for your assistance.
Mensaje de victoria:
Success! You've saved four innocent lives. Innocent for politicians, anyway.
Success! You've saved four innocent lives. Innocent for politicians, anyway.
Mensaje de fracaso:
ACTO 1 : Talk to the leader
Zvaxner's Xvinxxer, leader of the Zxazz people, called you here with an emergency.
Zvaxner's Xvinxxer, leader of the Zxazz people, called you here with an emergency.
ACTO 2 : Move to City Gate
Take the trail to the city. Watch out for early meteors and tiny carnivores.
Take the trail to the city. Watch out for early meteors and tiny carnivores.
ACTO 3 : Find Party Leaders
Find the three party leaders who are hiding in the city. Watch out for the meteors!
Find the three party leaders who are hiding in the city. Watch out for the meteors!
ACTO 4 : Find fourth leader
You hear a scream. The fourth leader is hiding inside a house. Go get him. Careful though--more meteors are falling!
You hear a scream. The fourth leader is hiding inside a house. Go get him. Careful though--more meteors are falling!
ACTO 5 : It's Over!
The meteor shower has ended. Leave the city.
The meteor shower has ended. Leave the city.
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