Clone wars returns / Análisis

Por Alsuja
13/07/2009 - 21:48:31
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 0.58 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Welcome captian good luck out there.
Welcome captian good luck out there.
Mensaje de victoria:
Great you'v Won
Great you'v Won
ACTO 1 : Quickly end this battle.
Help the troopers get to home base on the planet Cinko 4.Master yoda will be waiting for you.
Help the troopers get to home base on the planet Cinko 4.Master yoda will be waiting for you.
ACTO 2 : Grevious's plan
theres a small base on that same island.
theres a small base on that same island.
ACTO 3 : Returning back to yoda
ACTO 4 : Help yoda one last time.
go to yoda one more time.
go to yoda one more time.
ACTO 5 : go with the flow.
Destroy the great war tower.
Destroy the great war tower.
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