Clark and Stanley Go Hiking / Análisis

Por EStraight
13/07/2009 - 22:30:32
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.43 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Your sensors are indicating that Clark and Stanley need your assistanse again.Go see what they are up to this time.
Your sensors are indicating that Clark and Stanley need your assistanse again.Go see what they are up to this time.
Mensaje de victoria:
Well, thats why its Rolling Stone mountain! Its not now..... (-_-;)
Well, thats why its Rolling Stone mountain! Its not now..... (-_-;)
Mensaje de fracaso:
Clark and Stanley made you die. How Great.
Clark and Stanley made you die. How Great.
ACTO 1 : A Great Day For Outdoors
See what those buffons are about to do. Just watch where you are going.
See what those buffons are about to do. Just watch where you are going.
ACTO 2 : Whats That Noise?
Something does'nt feel right...
Something does'nt feel right...
ACTO 3 : Disaster?
I just feel that theres an impending disaster coming.....
I just feel that theres an impending disaster coming.....
ACTO 4 : Ahhhhhhh!!!
There it is! Run!
There it is! Run!
ACTO 5 : Oh No!
Poor Clark and Stanley!
Poor Clark and Stanley!
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