Lusverian War Chapter 1 / Análisis

Por bitar_power
11/07/2009 - 15:44:46
Tipo: Aventura de ataque
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Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
The conflict comes to an end the Tibrarins are ready to win the planet to the Letors.
The conflict comes to an end the Tibrarins are ready to win the planet to the Letors.
Mensaje de victoria:
You have won the battle but not the war.. Continue on Chapter 2 : The Burnaps
You have won the battle but not the war.. Continue on Chapter 2 : The Burnaps
Mensaje de fracaso:
Too bad.. the Letors can't win this battle!!
Too bad.. the Letors can't win this battle!!
ACTO 1 : Beginning
Talk to the Tibrarin Leader for instructions.
Talk to the Tibrarin Leader for instructions.
ACTO 2 : To the war!!!
Prepare to launch an attack agains the Letors
Prepare to launch an attack agains the Letors
ACTO 3 : Attack!!!
The battle has begun!!!
The battle has begun!!!
ACTO 4 : Ending the battle
Kill the Letor's leader.
Kill the Letor's leader.
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