Deep Black of the Night / Análisis

Por zachd94
04/07/2009 - 00:27:31

Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0.07 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
So this is the planet, huh? Better scan for someone to question.
Mensaje de victoria:
Congratulations on the successful avengement of the Resistance Knights!
Mensaje de fracaso:
Try again! I'm sure you will do better next time.
ACTO 1 :   The Search
Find any survivor and question them. You may need a keycard. -
ACTO 2 :   Ambush
An explosion erupts! I'd back away very slowly if I were you.
ACTO 3 :   The Threat
Try speaking with the assassin.
ACTO 4 :   His Last Words.
The Soldier asked you to free the city before he died. Destroy the enemy forces within.
ACTO 5 :   By the Light of the Moon
Head for the exit!
ACTO 6 :   King of Kings
Enter the portal and beat down Daunstopable. A challenge is a challenge, after all.
ACTO 7 :   The CEO
Now is your chance to shut down this entire deal, right now!
ACTO 8 :   Success!
You fullfilled the soldier's last wishes and more! get back to that beam to get yourself back to your ship!
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