Pixel Peril! / Análisis

Por SharnaSanveech
04/07/2009 - 01:56:27
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.08 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Welcome to Planet Pix, home of the Pixilians! Pix is a great vacation place, and has some of the most romantic views in the galaxy. Something seems wrong at the moment, however...
Welcome to Planet Pix, home of the Pixilians! Pix is a great vacation place, and has some of the most romantic views in the galaxy. Something seems wrong at the moment, however...
Mensaje de victoria:
Yay! You saved the Pixilians and their planet.
Yay! You saved the Pixilians and their planet.
Mensaje de fracaso:
The BioViruses spread their nanobots throughout the Pix system. Soon, the entire planet dies, and with it, all the Pixilians... nice going, hot-shot
The BioViruses spread their nanobots throughout the Pix system. Soon, the entire planet dies, and with it, all the Pixilians... nice going, hot-shot
ACTO 1 : Investigate
Talk to the Gate Guard
Talk to the Gate Guard
ACTO 2 : Explore
Go talk to the Pixilian atop the Welcome station... does something seem wrong to you...?
Go talk to the Pixilian atop the Welcome station... does something seem wrong to you...?
ACTO 3 : The City
Go talk to the guards a final time.
Go talk to the guards a final time.
ACTO 4 : Emperor
Talk to the Pixilian Emperor and see what is going on around here!
Talk to the Pixilian Emperor and see what is going on around here!
ACTO 5 : Motherboard
Save the Pixilian Motherboard from BioVirus forces!
Save the Pixilian Motherboard from BioVirus forces!
ACTO 6 : Victory!
You defeated the BioVirus forces! Go back to the city to reap the rewards!
You defeated the BioVirus forces! Go back to the city to reap the rewards!
ACTO 7 : What?
Save the city once again!
Save the city once again!
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