Clark and Stanley Take A Tour / Análisis

Por EStraight
02/07/2009 - 22:46:53
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.62 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Your sensors have indicated that Clark and Stanley need of your assistanse again. Go see what they are up to this time.
Your sensors have indicated that Clark and Stanley need of your assistanse again. Go see what they are up to this time.
Mensaje de victoria:
They really need to get some help,mistaking a bomb factory as a toy factory, but I still would'nt rub it in like that you sick, sick, man.
They really need to get some help,mistaking a bomb factory as a toy factory, but I still would'nt rub it in like that you sick, sick, man.
Mensaje de fracaso:
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! The sign said no trespassers!
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! The sign said no trespassers!
ACTO 1 : A Nice Tour
It seems that they have traveled to a distant planet and take a tour. They say it's the best one around, but are we actuly allowed here?
It seems that they have traveled to a distant planet and take a tour. They say it's the best one around, but are we actuly allowed here?
ACTO 2 : Flashy?
Those are funny looking toys...
Those are funny looking toys...
ACTO 3 : Somethings wrong
Those dont look like toys...
Those dont look like toys...
ACTO 4 : Uh oh...
I would stand back!
I would stand back!
ACTO 5 : Oh No!
Poor Clark and Stanley!
Poor Clark and Stanley!
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