Doors Forever / Análisis

Por fasteryet
29/06/2009 - 21:53:14
Tipo: Aventura de puzzle
Puntuación: 1.77 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You have beamed down to Mr. Puzzel Minded's maze ask him what to do.
You have beamed down to Mr. Puzzel Minded's maze ask him what to do.
Mensaje de victoria:
Amazing you got the treasure and Mr. Puzzel Minded is impressed
Amazing you got the treasure and Mr. Puzzel Minded is impressed
Mensaje de fracaso:
Ah to bad, but you can try again
Ah to bad, but you can try again
ACTO 1 : What is this?
Talk to Mr. Puzzel Minded and ask about what to do
Talk to Mr. Puzzel Minded and ask about what to do
ACTO 2 : 1st clue
Find the 1st clue by following Mr. Puzzel Minded's hints
Find the 1st clue by following Mr. Puzzel Minded's hints
ACTO 3 : 2nd clue
follow the hints from the 1st clue to find the 2nd
follow the hints from the 1st clue to find the 2nd
ACTO 4 : almost there
follow the 2nd clues directions to get to mr. puzzel minded
follow the 2nd clues directions to get to mr. puzzel minded
ACTO 5 : The Treasure
your up in space! and there's the treasure float over to it but beware you could get sucked in by gravity
your up in space! and there's the treasure float over to it but beware you could get sucked in by gravity
ACTO 6 : Mr. Puzzel Minded is impressed
talk to mr. puzzel minded
talk to mr. puzzel minded
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