The Curse of the Cryogenic Ruins / Análisis

Por Ceolophysis
29/06/2009 - 06:29:50

Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 0.08 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
This planet is home to some fantastic ruins, and this is the first large scale attempt to excavate them. Unfortunately, something has gone amiss. Find out what's wrong and try to remedy it.
Mensaje de victoria:
With Snakeyes gone, the creatures have returned to normal. Now the scientists lives can also return to normal, and they can resume their tomb robbing... Er... I mean "'archeaological"' venture.
Mensaje de fracaso:
Looks like the scientists are doomed, and that psyhoti snake is going to rule the planet. Care to try again?
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