In the City of Barteros / Análisis

Por Fingawing
28/06/2009 - 10:58:46
Tipo: Aventura de ataque
Puntuación: 1.5 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Barteros is th 2nd planet claimed by The Dark Empire... and you're going to take it back!
Barteros is th 2nd planet claimed by The Dark Empire... and you're going to take it back!
Mensaje de victoria:
Woohoo! 24 to go >"'_>"' ...
Woohoo! 24 to go >"'_>"' ...
Mensaje de fracaso:
Can you really let a city this dull exsist? Come on, have another stab at it.
Can you really let a city this dull exsist? Come on, have another stab at it.
ACTO 1 : Off we go again...
Defeat the Mutated Plankton
Defeat the Mutated Plankton
ACTO 2 : Thwart Phoobis!
Kill Dockmaster Phoobis
Kill Dockmaster Phoobis
ACTO 3 : While you're here...
Grab that gold!
Grab that gold!
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